There are plenty of windows to clean in the metro area, but when you need to clean mid-rise buildings, it makes more sense to rent an aerial lift than to drop down on a bosun's chair suspended from a roof rig. There are, however, a few things every window cleaner needs to know about before they rent a lift. Read on to see five things to consider before you begin your window-cleaning job.
1. Reach
A window cleaner should be able to accurately gauge the height of the building they are cleaning in order to rent an aerial lift. Make sure the lift that you rent extends past the height of the highest windows so you do not need to overextend your reach. You should not take a window-cleaning pole on a lift to help extend your reach; it is not safe.
2. Interior Work
Many buildings in the Detroit area are known for large, glass entrances and atriums. These windows are much easier to clean with a lift. Renting a lift for interior work, however, requires additional precautions. You need a scissor lift or other specialized lift designed for interior cleaning that can both fit through a standard doorway and will not crack floor tiles when properly placed in the work area.
Additionally, you will need to thoroughly block the surrounding area off from foot traffic to protect both yourself, your crew, and the people in the building from injury.
3. Terrain
When you take your window cleaning job, walk around the building carefully to examine the terrain. Picture how you are going to access the area with the lift as well as how you plan to place it. Also, plan how many sheets of plywood you will need to place on the ground to reach the windows.
Plywood helps protect the client's lawn and landscaping from damage due to the lift's weight and it also prevents the lift from sinking into soft ground. If the terrain is excessively difficult, consider a rough terrain or specialized lift rental.
4. Safety
While you may be a talented individual, make sure you thoroughly understand how to operate the lift that you rent. You should perform a safety inspection before you use the lift each day. You should look for signs of visible damage to the lift itself, inspect the guardrail and safety chain, look for overhead wires or other hazards, and check the surrounding ground for anything that could cause the lift to tip or get stuck.
Additionally, there are safety points that you need to be aware of with your own gear. You need a suitable safety harness as required by OSHA for every person that uses the lift. It is also highly recommended that you use tool bungees for your wetter, squeegee, scraper, and bucket. Having loose tools fall to the ground could cause damage to the building as well as injury to any bystanders.
5. Insurance
While you probably already have a decent liability insurance policy, you will want to call your insurance agent to check on your coverage before you rent an aerial lift. Many window cleaners have the option of two policies: a janitorial policy that covers up to three stories of work performed from the ground, or a high-rise policy that covers work done from bosun's chairs and permanently installed carriages.
You may need to make an adjustment to your policy or add a rider to cover window cleaning work done at mid-rise heights while on aerial lifts. You will also want adequate coverage should the rental get damaged.
Mid-rise window cleaning with aerial lifts is a lucrative business in the tri-county area. Whether you need a personnel lift or a telescopic boom lift, contact
Ever-Joy Rent All for all your rental needs.
Phone: 313-846-3130
Address: 20425 Joy Rd. Detroit, MI, 48228
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